Wednesday, May 1, 2024

RH3 #1142 Red Dress Hash


Saturday, May 11, 2024

2:00 PM

On-On: 434 Franklin St, West Reading 

West Reading Fire Company Social Quarters - Back Alley Entrance

Hares: Breaststroaker, Hot Lips and Swamp

Hash Cash: $20

Breast, Hot Lips and Swampy are giving us a reason to scour Goodwill and update your wardrobe with another Red Dress!! 
Circle at 2. Be there around 1:30 to register and we will walk down to parking lot where we have circled in the past
Hash cash $20- raising money for Veterans Making a difference to serve a meal to vets at their center in basement of Hope rescue mission. There will also be an auction after trail so bring extra cash to bid on fun things! 

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