Sunday, June 26, 2022

#1095: The Fourth of July Hash


July 4th 2022

We Drink More Before 7:00 AM Than Most People Drink All Day
5:39 AM Start Time.
On-On: Drenkel Field, Skyline Drive. (The Firetower is still closed because of jerks like us)
Hash: A-B (bring a dry bag)
Other: Dress In Your Best Red/White/Blue; Don’t Be A Dick. Be On Time.
Hash cash: $20

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

#1094: The break a leg hash

It’s time to pop Just Bill’s haring cherry. Keep in mind this guy shattered his leg while marking trail for a type A running event a few years back… so what could go wrong?! Co-hares are Stupid Brother and Horn of Plenty.

Address above will get you to a parking lot along maiden creek road.

Hash cash: TBA

On on: Monday, June 20th at 6 pm at 1260 Maidencreek Rd, Fleetwood, PA 19522-8685, United States

#1093: Memorial Day Weekend Hash

 Update: On-Out at 1:00!!!!! This is not a road run, come prepared for rocky trails and incline. Turkey/ Eagle options but we’re still looking at 7.5-12 miles depending on the routes you take. 

On-On at the Hamburg Reservoir parking lot. Might be a good idea to meet at Copperz and carpool to the lot. 
Hash cash: $5
Update#1: Copperz Brewery in Hamburg has brewed a special beer for RH3 for this event. They are opening at 11AM on the 28th. Highly recommend meeting here to piss up and car pooling to the start. Parking will likely be tight since the forecasted weather as of now is not looking too bad!